A SpineHolder's Manual - is the original "hard copy" printing of The FineSpine™ Method (TFSM): several - perfectly simple - self-adjustments which work to finally reverse the effects of gravity, use, time and abuse on the human frame. TFSM is freely available in the combined effects of "...Gravity, Leverage and The Arch...". One need nothing but the information in the manual, as it is simply distinct environmental manipulation/application to maybe realize some beneficial result: Anatomical Fitness.

No doctors are associated with TFSM. Yet, due to automatic spinal decompression and alignment, it may one day eliminate the weakest link in human anatomy thru the simplest of physical means, and be a benefit to all (aging) SpineHolders, available whenever, wherever needed, at essentially no cost...in time or coin...forever into the future. No exercise is involved; and being at least some level appropriate for nearly everyone and of (yet unrealized) interest to the present health/welfare system - building on some previous and obsolescing all other approaches to the issue - "The Method" may be in time recognized as the biggest thing since penicillin, truly being simply - "…Bio-Engineering That Works…"

And...due a reading of - Early 3rd Millennium Notes - found throughout the piece: tho evidently about spinal adjustment, as will become further evident, the manual as well addresses some other equally pressing "...future history of the human race..."...and you...and yours.

FSLtd's only guarantee:   If one can demonstrate composing the 3 waves - i.e. lumbar - cervical - thoracic - simpler and more effectively than TFSM, FSLtd will refund that one 2 X's his/her purchase price.

A SpineHolder's Manual
Early 3rd Millennium Notes

FSLtd - P.O. Box 251, Portage, Wi.  53901  -  $22.50 - postpaid

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